Monday, January 14, 2013

UNSENT MAIL: Russia, My Dad & stupid comments about Nuclear arms.

OK. So this is another from the vestiges of my UNSENT mail archives. This was my Dad's comment weighing in on yet another thing on which he is delusional and on the wrong side of both history and progress in his thinking. I utlimately never sent him this because I didn't want to start another huge explosion between us.

My Dad (emphasis his) had this to say at the tail end of a long conversation about Obama, and my dad's certainty of his complete ineptitude, at any and all things:
"Too bad the Russians are ramping up their nuclear arsenal as of late.  He belongs in kindergarten.

President Obama called nuclear disarmament as "a moral obligation," as he suggested that the United States is leading by example to bring about "a world without nuclear weapons."
"American leadership has been essential to progress in a second area -- taking concrete steps towards a world without nuclear weapons," Obama said yesterday during a speech in Korea. "I believe the United States has a unique responsibility to act -- indeed, we have a moral obligation."
He cited the recent START treaty with Russia -- which set a cap on nuclear stockpiles that effectively required the United States to decrease its weapon stores without requiring the Russians to adjust theirs -- as an example of "important progress."

To this I penned the following response, and then just let it sit until now at least:

"I see no problems with this. The real maroon is the one who thinks when he becomes president, opting for an aggresive arms race with Russia, depite the complicating factor that IS China, now, is somehow an improvement over peaceful arms reductions. 2300 Nuclear weapons, enough to wipe out every major population center on Earth about 5 times over, in our stockpiles alone, is not enough. ? With Russia having another 1800-1900, I quite think START is a great idea.

I honestly don't care if the Russians have 15 million nukes and we only have 15. As long as Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan are all kept eye on very tightly, I think we and Russia can both eliminate 98% of our nuclear arsenals....Put another way, lets say we get into a war. Do you really think, by the time we've "lived" through the first 4100 nukes detonating, we're gonna wish there were some more ready to be dropped. "Cuz now Russia has 10 left to our none! We should have built more Nukes! We could have hit St. Petersburg, Russia for a 53rd time! Damn!"  Honestly, how can you say that, between the two countries, 4200 nukes isn't enough, and if they build one then we need to match it.  How not sane is that thinking really? Are we keeping up with the Joneses? 

Put simply, Nuclear Disarmament IS a moral obligation. Admit it. If that was a republican making that claim you'd be behind it."


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