Wednesday, September 9, 2015

They finally decided to charge me with something from when I got raided last August......I GOT RAIDED Pt. 5 (13 mos. Later)

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There are probably very few, if any of you who remember my saga. I have (had) an extensive blotter art collection, much of it rare, signed, and valuable. I was accused by some fucking CI I've never even MET before, of having a half a million doses of 25i-NBOMe in my house, and I get raided with a 3-county/state police/DEA joint swat task force. You can read all about it, and see pictures of it, on my blog here:

And if you care to see the before pics of one of the better, more valuable, vintage blotter art collections in the country, then feel free to visit here:


For everyone else who made it this far, this is my first blogpost all summer, and my first update in months. I will be brief, on account of I cannot really comment on pending litigation, particularly when my freedom is at stake.... Regardless of the fact that I didn't do what they are accusing me of,...... But here is what they are attempting to pin on me:

First Degree Sale of Controlled Substance 300 or more dosage units. Mandatory minimum sentence in my state: 86 months in prison.

Second Degree Sale of Controlled Substance: 50 or more dosage units, Mandatory minimum sentence of 54 months.

So tell me that ain't a lotta bullshit for a fella to have to deal with.

They essentially want me daughter to grow up fatherless. 
They want me to lose my house, end my marriage,  and essentially, put me away long enough where, once I get out my skillset for getting a job will be so outdated, and my criminal record so  fresh and new, that I will undoubtedly have to ACTUALLY turn to a life of crime to support myself.......

So, anyways, I have an attorney, and a damn good one, too, I think.... We just now have to wait and see how tthings are getting going along shortly here.... 

There also appears to be an ongoing investigation into me, by at least my local police department......which I chalk up to them not getting anything they sought the first time around. They have been harassing me, pulling me over, showing up at friends houses looking for me, they have yanked me out of my Jeep and searched me numerous times without probable cause, nor any complaints, 

And this is all just in the last 2 months or so.

So, this is the current state of affairs. I am still somewhat confident that I can beat the fabricated bullshit against me, but you never know when you have piggies that are hellbent on making you pay, for their mistakes...In this case, raiding me in the first place.......


Next Court Date = 9/15/2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Novel Theory About Why Psychedelics Give You Gut Rot

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Ok, bear with me. I'm actually pretty excited about this specific idea, mainly because I think it is accurate. If it is, it may be the first time anybody has put forward this as theory on one of those central core experiences that go with the psychedelic experience for so many people..... Gut rot. And it represents a novel idea; An actual new theory about why psychedelics ultimately give you gut rot.

To establish my anecdotal but very common sense evidence I am first going to quote from a blog post I put up here way back in 2013. This will be from the blog post "The anecdotal proof that when you trip, everything living around you trips too..."

Secondly, I am going to tell a new story. Insignificant, or so I thought, until it  just now it dawned on me, that I had come up with this concept a few years ago, then forgotten all about it, not realizing what an obvious and valid solution to a question many of us have had for years is and how directly relevant this almost CERTAINLY is.

Before I start, one last thing: Ive noticed over the years--every time I used to get good acid and ingest some, there was always one or more people who did the same, and were convinced that the LSD was "bad," or "dirty" or "strychnine" or any number of absurd claims based solely, principally on the fact that towards the latter half of their trip, they started to experience an uncomfortable condition in their gut that we all know as gut rot. It took a while to move past the rampant speculation on this one, and to recognize that, despite what people say, gut rot is often the sign you've had a good hard trip, not the sign of your chemical being "dirty" or "bad"..... It also seemed to change based on the specific psychedelic you took, as some seem to affect local fauna more then others....But more on that shortly.And so, with that established....I present to you my two pieces of anecdotal evidence which also establish necessary groundwork to understanding my theory. Please read on, as I quote myself from some time in 2013:


".....I am specifically referring to a trip though definitely, when you roll it affects the animals as well... So seemingly any empathogen would have some sort of similar affect, even ones that aren't pure psychedelics. Its a fact of life amongst those who know from firsthand experience that if you are tripping hard, your cats and the wildlife around you end up tripping too, and sometimes it seems like they are wigged out even harder than you might be. My (now) wife and I, back when we first met in our raver days circa the mid 90's, were walking down a street back to my apartment one night tripping sack like crazy. As we approached our apartment building we froze in our tracks. There was a BIG city racooon about 12 feet up a trree directly in front of us. The tree was maybe 25 feet away. He was starting right at us like he knew we were coming already.

..... I just whispered Sssshhhhh to the ol' lady, and we slowly appraoched the tree. In like super slow motion we crept, and the raccoon did the same thing, I could almost see it sensing...knowing even, that we presented no danger. As we got to withing 5 feet of the base of the tree, the raccoon was now at the foot of the tree at ground level.

We slowly began to crouch down as slowly as our legs would possibly allow us to do. It took what seemed to be 10 minutes for him to inch closer to us and for us you lower ourselves all the way down into a crouching position. Finally we were all the way down but our legs and ankles were starting to scream at us... The raccoon was staring, alternatingly right into my eyes, then my wife's.

  Eventually we were so close that we put out our hands and the raccoon smelled our hands. After he had done so, he crept back up a few steps and slowly, without any fear, walked back up the tree. We took the opportunity to stretch our legs, as our tendons and muscles were crying out in pain as this whole showdown had taken about 20 minutes of deliberate slow motion moving then crouching. We felt like the most amazing thing ever had just occirred to us, and we knew without a doubt that the raccoon became as high from the LSD we had taken as we have, and he sort of made this connection with us."

Secondly.......The other story I mentioned...

I tripped out this one time, right after I had sustained a pretty ugly, filthy cut on the end of one of my finger tips. I forget which one now, but it was a doozy. Running along the side of my finger it zigged into, and back out of, my fingernail bed. It was deep, and whatever the hell I had cut it on was sharp, filthy, and I was nowhere near hand sanitizer or a handwashing station when it happened. By the time the opportunity to clean it up had finally rolled around, it was too late. I had a doozy of a pus-creating, nasty infected cut. 

In the past, when I had sustained an injury that was like this, I could usally pop or squeeze out the infection, gritting my teeth against the excruciating pain this causes, and with tears welling up in eyes, eliminate get rid of the invasion, and at least be left with just a painful cut, sans bacterial infection. When you wait too long to get it clean, as with this time, bad things seem to happen.

Well, the really dumb thing I did that night, was instead of sleep that night, I decided to trip balls and then go to work the next day. Not terribly smart, but even less so for reasons I couldn't have imagined. When I was at the height of my peak, I distinctly remember being 100% convinced that my finger was getting abscessed, and that I was going to lose it entirely to a mandatory amputation. The lack of sleep downtime--where/when my body normally would have done a lot to fight this infection, but since I didn't get any it only was made worse as time went on....

I remember a few distinct points where the pain in my finger had ENTIRELY consumed my focus, as I felt like I was holding it near a hot anvil, and it was being seared. I was sure it was waaaay worse then it should have felt,  I was really truly worried about losing the finger, not because of my heightened sense of paranoia, but rather only because my finger hurt so bad, and the throbbing with every pump of my blood continuously was made worse, and the cycle seemed unstoppable. 

My finger would just hurt worse in perpetuity. It'd never go away, I was certai; Such that even the next day at work, even though i was hardly still feeling the acid I'd eaten the night before. I think that whole "tripping until you get a good nights rest" thing was at play because I was exhausted at work, and my finger kept heing the untouchable hot spot item that I was afraid to bump on anything.

Finally after an OK night of about 4 or 5 hours of sleep, but I did sleep nonethless, I notice a marked improvement over the previous day. I began to think I might not be losing my finger after all......

Conclusion and Summary......

Then it occurred to me. Just like the story I told above with the animals acting all crazy each and every time we trip, including zoo animals, petting zoo animals, etc, the problem in my finger was maybe because my trip had affected the BACTERIAL fauna on my body, and that had infected this cut were likely sent into OVERDRIVE mode, just like the psychedelic experience itself altered the way I was perceived for anyone or anything I come into contact with while the trip is in affect. 

Because of this novel idea, I thought It really WOULD have just kept getting worse if I hadn't gotten some sleep, I think. Now take the fact that your gut is home to more bacteria then anywhere else on your body, and they even make up a good percentage of your body weight, that it only makes sense that the bacteria in you are affected just like every other living thing around you is when you trip.....Only, being a single celled organism, what else do they have to do to show their excitable, agitated state, other than multiply faster, eat more, produce more gas deep in your gut and divide, since that is how they reproduce, and so on. Wash, rinse, repeat. I think this production of excess gas coming from deep in your guts is what causes the pain and discomfort of "gut rot."

This would also explain why when you look in a mirror closely while tripping, you SWEAR that any blemishes, blackheads, or otherwise that you might have take on a life of their own that practically begs you to try and remove them, often leading to bigger redder blemishes.....Making it best to stay away from a mirror entirely. It would explain why that infected cut on my finger was so bad during my trip and it probably explains a whole host of other things too, that I hadn't thought about yet.

What say you? Any thoughts as to the validity of this theory?

Thursday, February 12, 2015

List of the 8 Candidates which I believe make up the "New Daily Show Host" Short-List

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Let me go on record saying it: Here is my prediction of some of the people I would have on my shortlist, if I wanted to replace Stewarts left of center politics, snark, wit, and sarcastic sense of humor;

~~~Adding an update! Making this list 8 and adding #8.  (Sunday Feb 15th, 8:21 AM)

1) Tina Fey (Experience as a Talking Head, Brilliant, Funny)

2) Russell Brand (Experience with talk show, has that ability to draw attention to absurdity)

3) Sarah Silverman (Brilliant Wit, Satireical genius, super quick on her proverbial feet)  My personal favorite pick

4) Seth McFarlane (Hard to argue that the guy behind Family Guy, with his amazing stage presence, good looks, recent hosting of the Oscars or whatever he hosted last year, and his knack for irony and finding absurdity in modern politics and pop culture would not at earn him a consideration)   My dark horse pick

5) Demetri Martin (He dropped out of Harvard Law School to become a standup comic)

6) Joe Rogan (Way smarter then he comes off at first)

7) Rachel Maddow (The safe, obvious, easy pic, but not funny enough, IMO.)

8) Cenk Uygur - (CurrentTV host and show creator of "The Young Turks....With Cenk Uygur" Cannot be ignored as his role is very similar, he has the looks, the politics, the talent..... etc)

There is your short list, right there..... You heard it here first-- 2/12/2015 @ 3:20 A.M.

Friday, January 30, 2015

I GOT RAIDED....Pt. IV.....End of January 2015 Update

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So the two fools who plead straight guilty, with no deal even struck have reached a conclusion in this yearlong saga (well it was a year for their asses at least). 

Yes, they sentenced the poor suckers, both aged 20, who plead guilty to murder-3 on this whole ongoing fiasco. They finally got sentenced. You can (and should) read the following article to learn about the sentences, as well as get a bit of insight as to how the families of all the kids in question are approaching this whole thing....  The Local Town Paper of The Family of the Girl Who Died's Take on The Sentencing Hearings of Cole Matanaer and Alexander Claussen

I still think these kids had the 2 worst attorneys in history. Who walks up and enters a straight plea of guilty to the most damning charge against them, when the charge itsef is clearly an overreach of constitutional authority. The more I read about this whole thing, the more I am very glad that the only part I had in it, was as a mistake to be relegated to the footnotes of the criminal investigation, rather then somebody who actually needed to fear for his freedom because of legitimate guilt in the crimes being alleged. 

Its such a tragic situation, with so many lives destroyed, I can't help but for my heart to go out to the families of both of these kids who plead guilty and for the family of Tara Fitzgerald, the girl who died to kick off this whole thing in the first place. The pure tragedy of the overall circumstances is such, that I only have compassion for all 3 families whose lives have already been ravaged over this...I can even muster up a bit of compassion, and understanding and dare I say, an iota of forgiveness for Alex Claussen, the shithead who tried very hard to ruin my life, and who must truly be the worst confidential informant in history. (He wasn't confident nor confidential, he had never met me nor I him, despite being the target of his "inside information," and he steered an entire, substantially sized and obviously costly investigation  in the wrong direction because of his misinformation. Bravo, Mr. Claussen. There's a little something we can all be angry with you at, there--Sympathy for your predicament or not.

He clearly was a drug addict who had numerous problems, and its very likely that because of hearing about my art collection, he really BELIEVED what he was selling to law enforcement about me. The kid was just 1 year out of high school and seemed not to have very much going for him....Of course this kid was expected to act as a Narc. How can anybody even blame him for being coerced into grasping at straws to try to save himself? 

I mean, I do blame him, because of the lack of anybody else to blame that acted maliciously towards me in all this, but I can understand the situation he felt he was in. Its no excuse.....But the trumped up murder charges have to look pretty scary when you're 19 and haven't ever been the focus of the immense amount of negative attention that comes from something like this before... 

I just can't believe he plead guilty to them without putting up a fight. Thats the most absurd thing about  all of this and why he clearly has the worst attorney in the world.

In keeping with the promise/theme that this would be an update, I will have you all know Ive made zero progress in gaining my blotter or my computers back, yet, but in an attempt to keep my eyes on the big picture, very positive manner, I can also say that its very nice to be eating, sleeping, fighting, fucking, showering & shitting, and just generally going about one's business.... as a free man in his own home, without any trumped up charges filed or yet attempted in this case for any of us as of yet.... And when I say nothing for any of us, I mean myself and my colleagues who all went to jail at the same time back in August when this all went down. Nobody has been charged with a thing, and this is certainly a good thing we all have to be thankful for. And none of us is doing 75 months on a straight murder-3 plea like Alex Claussen, and so we all have that to be thankful for too.

One last note to add: While my heart breaks for Tom Fitzgerald, the father of Tara, the deceased girl, and I hope I never can fathom what he has gone through..... I think he is approaching this all wrong. He is hellbent on getting revenge sentences for all these kids who I believe he is using as a scapegoat  to avoid the obvious issue here: That when you charge somebody ELSE with murder over ingesting a drug willfully, and without knowledge of the existence of the person who sold it to the person who sold it to you, and without really being in any of the so-called culpable parties' physical presence at the time.... You are basically saying that the party who went out of their way to purchase and ingest the chemical, willfully and knowingly---and PAID good money for the capability to do so---nevertheless has absolutely no responsibility and played no part whatsoever, and took no risks with their actions. Because MURDER, whatever degree it happens to be considered, 1st, 3rd, or 100th, is irrelevant. It still places 100% of the blame on the party who is charged with murder, by the very definition of murder itself. They do not charge an arms dealer with selling a firearm--even illegally--to a person who kills themself with that gun. They do not charge the movie theater who lets a 15 year old into a rated R movie, and then mimics that behavior in real life with anything for providing access to the inspiration to the behavior with any crimes for their "part in all this"--- Yet, they hand out murder charges like candy to everyone involved with ANY aspect of the timeline that leads up to an accidental overdose death? Why not charge the parents with birthing the "guilty party" in the first place? Or the doctor who delivered him that fateful 19 years prior? I mean, if they weren't around, he wouldn't have been there to sell the drug, 5 persons away from Tara and it may have never occurred either, right? 

So I ask Mr. Fitzgerald, and the prosecutors and indeed the lawmakers and judges and potential future jurors in cases like this: What about Tara's own responsibility in all this? She wasn't actually murdered, because nobody had any intent for this to happen, and nobody knew it would or could..... So how can culpability be assigned to others in the case of a clearly accidental death? She died for unknown reasons, after ingesting an nBOMe dose it seems, and now Dad wants every kid who ever owned those drugs to rot in prison, as if his daughter, not to mention her FRIEND who DID NOT CALL FOR HELP, have absolutely no culpability for the tragic outcome that we are now witnessing the aftermath of.....I think this approach is simply wrong, at a moral, and legal level, and justice will not be served until this kind of conviction is vacated for all those sentenced on charges like this, and the laws are changed to assign the risk of ingesting a drug to the person it belongs too---the willing and rational participant who decided to ingest that drug as a means of recreation. 

This is all. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Have You Met Me?: Dock Ellis & The LSD No-No

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If you are unfamiliar with the inspiration behind my name, and some of the weirder quirks in my profile, then I certainly feel that you would benefit greatly from watching the video below, as an introduction to what I'm all about here. Ladies and Gentleman...... Will the Real Dock Ellis please stand up?