Thursday, January 10, 2013

Psychedelics & God Pt.2-Properly Defining "Entheogen"

THIS IS A CONTINUATION. The first blog post should be read here:


The one problem with omnipresent and omniscient consciouness which permeates everything, everywhere, untroubled by any of the lower dimensions, like space and time, is that it fundamentally cannot understand what it is like to be a lesser creature, bound by the laws of space and time, and as such, I'd imagine, could probably be quite "boring".... That is, unless you encapsulate the entirety of yourself into a creature that is bound by these lower dimensions, with a linear path of existence through which it can only know what its accumulated along that linear path. But whether it was accidental, as part of evolution or whether it was sort of a specfically evolved interaction our brains can have to become enlightened through the use of a chemical, I don't know. What I do know is that its only fair, if we are being born, possibly into misery, possibly into privelege, that the default would be, regardless, that most creatures would go through life never having any idea what was REALLY Going on... and equally, the miserable and the priveleged, in living the right way, are given equal opportunity to just happen to run across this grand universal secret, and instantaneously realize that all of life is but a flash in the pan. A game, and game that is rigged towards ignorance. Once you know that the big secret is simply to live life however the fuck you want...  Well, you're ahead of the game, be you prince or pauper! 

Furthermore, the universe, in setting itself up to create a trillion microcosm versions of itself without giving it an "out" for figuring out the truth about itself while its here, so that it could at least have a chance at experiencing the real, unadulterated truth about who, each one of us, each individual conscious mind of ours really came from.... To not have this opportunity would be a cruel joke, and thusly, we are blessed to have the psychedelic experience with which we can begin to get an idea of the incredible, fundamental truth about the nature of our existence and our purpose and what its all about.

In short, Humans think they have consciousness. In reality, it is consciousness that HAS humans.

We are the little bundle of neural circuitry which provides a different way for "God" to experiences the wonder of itself without any guarantees of a good outcome.

In the end, all experience is equally important to the learning process of the universal consciousness. What is deemed as senseless misery by some is no less important to the universe, and its growing catalog of different life trajectories each of us has provided it with; What we've provided is all the data from the time our mind first blinks on, until returning to it at the end of our stint as individuals--(AKA: time of death.) In as much as the end game is concerned, the life lived in pure bliss, pure enlightenment, or pure joy is great for us as indivudals, but no less great for the omniscience to which we will return is the life lived experiencing the fundamentally incongruent experiences of a life lived in suffering and misery.
Pain and pleasure are necessary, though its not necessarily understood by most people; But, we as individuals all make an equally important contribution towards the wisdom and concresence of all living existence, made by all conscious life in the universe, slowly, over the "short" history of time. 

---It then serves to extrapolate that this even answers the question people have "Why is there so much suffering in the world?"- - Answer--because without all the suffering that people who are miserable contribute to the recorded life experience records the universe absorbs, it would be missing a major chunk of "possible" outcomes within the confines of 4 dimensional reality. Without the absolute misery some people's entire lives never really seem to escape, it would be impossible to contextualize the very special few lives lived in the opposite of misery. Without misery, happiness could not exist essentially. And lastly, the final stage of the human condition, is advancement and enlightenment. 

The key is that once you realize this, though you hardly have all the answers, you are still ahead of the game. Knowing and understanding the nature of our existence as emissaries of the universe, whose purpose is to experience our lives exactly as we choose to live them, makes it much easier to pursue an agenda of joy, and fundamentally improves our experience. This realization, that we are all God, is what entheogenic means. Its the rare, and special class of chemicals which provide us with insight into the true nature of our "mission" here, and thereby "embody us with the tool to realizing that there is no God, other then the God that is in oneself." Entheogenesis is the very polar opposite of "drugs taken with religious purposes." They could just as easily be described as the drugs which help us realize the gigantic, horrific flaws found in doing anything for religious purposes.
Sorry to have digressed so far in my response to a one sentence message left on this board, but I feel that its impossible to explain what Entheogenic means without explaining what I've learned about what it means to "embody/awaken God in ourselves."
Nor surprisingly, at least not to me, is that I've only learned all this through the use of entheogens of all types, and so, I understand that entheognic drugs are a conceptual description that is best EXPERIENCED and learned for oneself, to truly realize that the seemingly esoteric meaning of the term actually refers to. I hope this has proved insightful for someone else, and maybe even helped another person realize what John Lennon chose to begin "I Am The Walrus" by saying; "I am He as you are He as you are Me as We are all together."
Truer words were hardly ever spoken.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ellis, I agree with you, I came here from the childish article about how consciousness works.

    I have also experience being god but I learned a technique that require little or no drugs.

    it is called The teachings of Abraham and it is imparted by Esther Hicks.

    They also teach how to live a perfect life.

    Search for Abraham Hicks on youtube to begin your trip with them.



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