Friday, January 18, 2013

On Whether Belief is Ever a Choice and How This Affects Climate Change

I posted this comment on an NYT Article about progressive churches starting to get involved on Climate Change action. I have a lot more to say about it, but they limit you to 1500 characters, so, that, precisely, is what you get below. (Original Article and a Permalink to my comment there is here:

Belief is not a choice most of us have the luxury of making. Belief is based on your grasp of all relevant facts, science,& pertinent information available to you. Its unlikely you could TRULY make yourself believe 2 + 2 = 5 , even if your life depended on it.

That beliefs are generally choices we make is a delusion of the ignorant.

Unfortunately, this country's fervently religious 'true believers', which seem concentrated to Southern Baptists & Protestant households (as I was raised in) tend to differ greatly from the rest of us. There, being raised from birth to embrace contradictory, irrational & even disproved beliefs is the norm. As an adult, the value of paramount importance is actively maintaining ignorance in support of one's irrational beliefs. Its why the Santorums of the world are openly hostile to intelligent secular school curriculum. They know their kids don't stand a chance w/o monumental ignorance.

To nurture a culture which perpetuates beliefs in patently false or the absurd, kids are taught that teachers and scientists are liars & that liberalism=immorality. The Bible is revered as morality's final word, yet they're often racists & homophobes. They claim to be skeptics, but take great joy dismissing climate science. Thats not skepticism. Its willful ignorance.

Sadly, this'll NEVER spread beyond progressive churches, to where its most needed. Not w/o the movement's real/perceived spiritual & political leaders embracing belief on climate change, first.

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