Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Another debate with a (this time non-existent) internet troll, in which I state the case against bible thumping lawmakers and their voters too.......

Yet another snarky comment in an internet comment board debate turned into a novella that needed to go here so as to not drop this bomb on somebody.

The following and first brief is directed at everybody in the comment thread found here:

However, the majority of my response is geared toward a commenter that didn't actually exist. When I reread his comment for the purpose of posting it here, I realize I misread everything entirely, and that we were in agreement. "So nobody at all commented here stating that Democrats are sinners in gods' eyes, implying republicans were, as a given, "Not." Gosh, this was becoming a theological debate mighty damn  quick. And my whole response, a triumphant "Take that" once again designed for nothing, and nobody. Oh fucking well. Here tis......

For General Discussion: When it comes to money's influence and the ugly specter of self interested decision making that rears its head to people who are essentially, nearly, comparatively (to us), "Above The Law"--- yes they are the same. When it comes to the ultimate goals that each group collectively chases, thankfully, because they don't usually forget what their mission was before graft,power, and re-election became their masters? No they are nothing alike. 

This is where my words, as follows, geared at *NOBODY* as they began. So instead of filling yourself into that role in your head, pretend I was asked to give a defense of rational thought, and a lead in to a debate where we were required to change the minds of our religious opponents. 

First off..... The fact that you use "sin" as a yardstick, and, ironically, the BIGGER sin you commit, of failing to recognize the religious far right/republicans as those more out of tune of Christs' teachings are the sum total one-two knockout you landed on yourself, that complete renders irrelevant anything at all that you might have had to add to this debate. You can believe that avoiding biblical sin is the first criteria on for whom to cast your vote all you want. You can even be so thick and calloused with the party brainwashing that you actually believe "Why yes, the Libertarian view is *very much* in keeping with the golden rule and healing the sick and helping the poor....And doing unto others, in general."

But don't be ludicrous enough to say it aloud, because, 
1) Like a scientist stating he decided to use his own SCIEN-"TERR"-IFIC METHOD on his latest study, (which turns out to be his secret code for "I fabricated all of the data, then jerked off for 6 hours every day for those 2 years".... 
2) Like the guy arguing with his doctor that he couldn't have gotten Hepatitis-C from those dirty shared needles, because you were always wearing a condom the whole time when you shot up...... 
3) Like the guy who STILL wishes with all his heart he was an Orc-killing hero who causes the ladies to swoon, and not be awkward and lonely....Who then strikes up a convo at the voting booth on the presidential election day where he proceeds to divulge to the pretty girl stuck by him in line that his dungeon master said the dungeon rules required unfettered devotion or else, and as such he has shown up, dutifully, to write-in his dungeon master ErnestBorgLevelNineWiz as his only vote for each election...........

Like all these people, you unknowingly give away your starting position of untenable logic in such a way that you are completely clueless to what everyone else can see: Your fundamental way of going about applying logic to render choices for yourself is skewed at the root level in such a way that nobody even wants to bother to argue with you. 

How can a person who believes that everything is a cosmic plan to create and force sentient beings with free choice to choose to worship and believe in a certain myth, or else they will be punished for ALL ETERNITY upon dying is somehow still a choice, and how can person who honestly believes that we can somehow just CHOOSE to believe in something that is so absurd, when we can't even CHOOSE to believe simple fact-based things that do not sit right with 2 + 2 = 7..... Right? 
If I just force myself to believe this equation is true, then I get a pony! But try, try try, you cannot FORCE nor FAKE belief to your true, deep subconscious self, and so you remain pony-less. But, despite its paradoxical impossibility for me, I need to believe that a perfect God designed a system in which people like me, who are incapable of carrying out the mandate, will be treated brutally and inhumanely, far worse then the most ungodly of us could ever see fit to do, based on the fact that this fundamentally flawed system has two groups and thats it. Saved and Damned. Period. 

I am to believe that this paradox of impossible contradiction does not actually prove the Christian argument untenable with any being remotely imbued with goodness that is pervasive in the universe, but rather, that it actually PROVES that everything you said about science denial, thinly veiled allusions to christian votes, sin-free politics, and ignorance to how our laws protect us from people just trying to impose religious legalese on us, is actually the only real Truth, and I'm hellbound for not seeing it that way. I will be tortured for all eternity upon death, because I made a very understandable error of judgment in my mistake-prone life.....

Sure that doesn't sound like the first century threats of very imperfect men, created as a way to terrify people into choosing sides, and self-enforcing moral code. That sounds more like what a perfect creator imbued only with love everlasting would postulate as a potential scenario which would not be opt-out, and all sentient beings had to be part of it, and experience God's love for themselves.... OR ELSE. But what do I know. I apparently believed in the existence of commenters that were not real. So I dont have much left to opine on, if thats about it.

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