Dear People Reading this. I know that you exist. I have a little Blogspot secret-spilling birdie that tells me when you do! But what I don't know is the following! How did you end up here? I imagine if you made your way here via a post on Yahoo because you hated something I said, and followed your way here, through profile links, etc, that you are probably just about the opposite of the people I am speaking too with my blog.
Conversely, if you followed your way here after first noticing me on Twitter, then its possible that you are EXACTLY who I am targeting.
But right now, I dont know. I have no idea. Do you think I'm insane? Delusional? Poignant? Some other, less friendly adjective? What?
you may have insightfully gleaned off some of the other posts here, I
feel like this is my small contribution to those who are lost and feel
like the world in which religion and capitalism is sold as the only
answer to everything, and controlling your primal urges is billed as the
proof of your level of civilization. But if that were the case, then
Priests would be the top eschelon of our civilization, and since every one of them literally gave away the opportunity to enjoy life by giving up the chance at understanding what it was all about in the first place--sex, love, and positive experience, passing your wisdom onto your child, steering others onto a path that doesn't mislead them completely... And the rest of them fuck kids....I think they long lost the moral high ground.
So, because of my basic intentions being interred in this blog, I am also very interested to find out if my posts are finding their way to interested readership, and whether or not I have any amount at all of regular returning readers. I feel even a small handful will be all that I need to motivate myself to continue.
take just a moment to post something, anything, assuming you have indeed read some of my posts. I have spent my whole life feeling compelled to head to the fringes, and its there on the fringe that I have felt most of the important discoveries that have improved my entire world view, outlook, and life in general have been made. I'm highly misunderstood by all but my closest friends because much of what I believe is taboo by the societal norms surrounding beliefs and around what is allowed in regular conversation. So I keep them quiet, and play to the crowd when I'm with others. But here, I can be myself, and I'm confident and comfortable enough with who that is, that I can take whatever criticisms or otherwise you may have to make. I am just curious about whether or not people wind up here on accident, or on purpose.
A little bit about me:
I feel like I have been really lucky to be able to have led the life that I have. This includes my time 15 years ago or more now, spent in incareration for selling LSD. A supporter of MAPS. A Supporter of Erowid. Born and raise a Christian, was born again, and then the decision was made for me that this was not what I was going to be able ot believe, because other things sort of forced me to understand that my upbringing was, unfortunately or not, depending on your view, *accurate*-- and so I became an UNBORN again UNCHRISTIAN. You should not feel threatened by this. I am not a devil worshipper. I am simply not any particular religious anything that has its own Wikipedia page. I know a gal who I met on an LSD trip & fell in love with all within a single month before I went to prison for a year. This woman waited and waited for me the whole year writing almost daily. I had a mandatory 7 year prison sentence waived and a stay of execution issued because I wrote a 7 page letter to my sentencing judge prior to my day of reckoning. MY caseworker and PO who were both advising I do the 7 years, to the judge were surprised to find out I had written the judge a letter that influenced him to alter my entire future for the good of all involved.
That woman I met on the LSD trip? I married her. (The type of LSD? Hearts & Ankhs, it was known as, as well as Exotic Egg and Cosmic Yoke.... However, the real name for it was Fly in the Ointment.) A picture of it from my blotter art collection HERE:
That woman I met on the LSD trip? I married her. (The type of LSD? Hearts & Ankhs, it was known as, as well as Exotic Egg and Cosmic Yoke.... However, the real name for it was Fly in the Ointment.) A picture of it from my blotter art collection HERE:
1000 Hits (unlaid) of Fly in the Ointment (REVERSE)
I actually started collecting blotter art over a decade ago, because I specifically was on a mission to find the above piece. It took, me I think, 7 years to get my hands on one.
15 years later we're still going strong. When I was first free again way back when, I was all of 19 years old, with 6 felony points and three felony convictions, all told, on my record. I had completed no college and got my GED while in jail. I took the whopping 7 thousand bucks my folks had saved up for me, and opened up a trading account with Ameritrade. I cleared 50 thousand dollars my first 16 months of investing. Despite all my criminality problems, previously, I was offered an entry level job at a major fortune 50 company, at age 20, and accepted. I lost nearly all of the 50 thousand I made my first year in the market, but not before I bought a house at age 21, and had two paid up cars in the driveway, before losing all our funding. I am a little apprehensive about sharing a lot more, but.....I currently have one of the best Blotter Art collections in the country. I have taken over much of the original remaining collections owned and housed by the two previous proprietors a book, famous in Blotter-Art-Circles, and known as "The BUST BOOK" --
I own a sheet of the oldest existing blotter art known to man that wasn't eaten or used to lay LSD on, back in the 70s. ITs called Eye of Horus. I have Ken Kesey's autograph, I have Tim Leary's I have Sasha Shulgins' I have Albert Hofmann, I have Peter Fonda, and Mark Mccloud, I have H.R. Geiger and Alex Grey's and many many more--- ALL on Blotter art (except Hofmann's, which is on an awesome Bicyle Day anniverssary poster from 1993...)
I have also experienced enormous, hardships, usually self brought on. I am familiar with meth addiction. I spent a decade addicted heavily to opiates, painkillers and/or smack, as I had no particular preference. Throughout this all, Ive managed to keep that Fortune 50 job I got back when I was a fresh, wet behind the ears ex-con. I don't know what is in store for tomorrow, but I know that its important to try and make sure that I make the world better for the people around me, because you never know when those people will play a significant role in your future.
I also know that if I don't help others figure out some of the things I've been lucky enough to figure out, then I am not doing my karmic duty, and I hope that this blog, over time, becomes the public face of my private thinking and feelings.
I have learned one thing in my charmed life (Not The Billy Idol album, but my actual life) and The reality is, as always, is that things are much more simple, and much more complicated, then we could ever have imagined. What does that mean?
It means: The forces and truth about what is actually at play, the interconnectedness of all life and consciousness in the universe and how to define it?: [Infinitely Complicated]
Our actual mission here-- Which can be summed up as: Figure out who YOU are as YOU want to be, then be yourself, continue to seek and find happiness, and finally, help others do the same... [Incredibly Simple]
It means: The forces and truth about what is actually at play, the interconnectedness of all life and consciousness in the universe and how to define it?: [Infinitely Complicated]
Our actual mission here-- Which can be summed up as: Figure out who YOU are as YOU want to be, then be yourself, continue to seek and find happiness, and finally, help others do the same... [Incredibly Simple]
Start living it.
"That woman I met on the LSD trip? I married her."
ReplyDeleteFor some reason this has stuck in my mind.
"Ain't got no picture postcards, ain't got no souvenirs
My baby she don't know me when I'm thinking bout those years"
(The Tragically Hip)
You say you lead a charmed life.
Hope you never forget. :)