Thursday, January 31, 2013

...On how I may go on MTV's "INTERVENTION" just to go Toe2Toe w/Dr. Drew as I wear *THIS* shirt..

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So I'm seriously thinking about getting onto MTV's Show "INTERVENTION" just so I can wear THIS SHIRT in group with Dr. Drew.....

....That is to say: I'm thinking about it precisely as seriously as a person can think about something which they have no intention of doing, thanks to their standing no chance of being invited to do.....and so on and so forth. 

But I'm thinking about doing it. Seriously. For this shirt, its nearly worth it.
Of course, schooling Dr. Drew a few hundred times an episode would be damn near worth the price of admission alone. But since they could video edit Einstein describing his final iteration of relativity, including the cosmological constant, into Larry the Cable Guy... And going the other direction, since they could make video of Texas Governor Rick "Is 3 *THIS MANY*" Perry's debate performances appear to be footage of Nikola Tesla, I am not so sure I could beat the machine, anyway

Secondarily, I guess that means this post is also about the magic of CGI and Video Editing, and how easily we can confuse fools and wisemen if good video editors with an agenda have gotten their paws on a piece of footage before we're allowed to see it.

....Anyways, back to the shirt:
"The guy they had just met was very strange. He certainly seemed to make and keep his own schedule."

Appropriately, there is lesser attention paid to the lower schedules. The way you'd design your own perfect world

Friday, January 25, 2013

And the winner is Alex Grey, for the award given to the Artist Who Lent The Most Credibility to the LSD Blotter Artwork as a true medium and a collectable asset of value!!

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This is numbered 418 out of 500 existing that were released with Alex Grey's signature, and had no LSD on them. Superb example of the hands down winner in the hypothetical competition's hypothetical category for "Original Artwork Actually Created For Edible Dissemination To The Public.

Its also no surprise that its an example of the very best, and most well known, most celebrated artist, (probably ever) who went far beyond the vanity blotter stage, and at a time way before people even knew what Vanity Blotter was, as it had not been invented yet.... And in pioneering this very seldom traversed path he created a masterwork for the purpose of copying and having a third party ensure that the prints were put into the hands of the right "print enhancer" for eventual mass personal consumption. There are many other notable artists whose work made its way onto active LSD blotter...But none that I know of who created the painting specifically knowing that "It Is Possible... That It Will Certainly Be Used As An Actual Distribution Medium For Acid"**

I have always admired and been incredibly impressed with Mr. Grey's work, and I also, always loved telling people about this LSD from my experience with it, when it was around.... But I didn't know he was the genius behind the art until 10 years later, give or take. Truly a unique work of art for this reason, by the archetypal psychedelic visionary artist of our time.

An incredibly admirable means by which to casually do something never done before, as a well known artist, already, at that time.

Bravo, for the highly uncredited, pioneering actions, Mr Grey. One of the coolest and most selfless things, (HEDGING MY BETS: ....And even if it turned out that you did not create this directly FOR this reason, but only later sanctioned its cause, it makes it no less admirable, since its still a first in its own right, were this to turn out to be the case... )

(P.S.As I understand it, I have done the best of my ability to put together the story behind this art. However, I am ALWAYS open to refining it if anybody is intimately familiar with details for which I am not. I am not Wikipedia, and therefore, direct firsthand biographical subject accounts are perfectly acceptable here. If you are ever to see this, Mr. Grey, and have an issue with anything I have said above, I'd rush to alter the narrative in accordance with your telling of it. After all, you were there, and I came late to the party, eating my first encounters with it, and spending a fortune to acquire my second run-in for the sake of collecting!)

**It should be noted that My only firsthand experience with this artwork carrying real LSD was actually the version of it where the entire picture appeared on every 100 individual (10X10) Perforations--I do not have credible evidence for or against the notion that the larger, full-pictorial on the entire 30 X 30 block of 900 squares was ever released to the street in clandestine form or not. I'd be super curious to know if it was from anybody that, again, might know more then I.

.....On how those with an Agnostic/Atheistic world view, MUST COMPELLINGLY DEMONSTRATE RELIGIOUS UNDERSTANDING, and POLITELY ILLUSTRATE THE REASONING UNDERSCORING THE POINT THAT THEY ARE LOGICALLY HELPLESS To Hold Any other belief then the one they currently hold....

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It is the tendency for people raised religiously very young, who reject religion on their own thinking and without being persuaded to do so…. To, in time, develop a very hostile and harmful attitude of superiority towards religious people &  religion in general, and a disdain for any influence it has on society at large. This stems from having necessarily put so much thought into ALL related parts of what essentially makes up the bedrock of your entire world view. Not a light and breezy topic. I know all about this tendency because I have it very, very strongly, and its hard to remember sometimes that A) I used to be the person I find myself nearly helpless but to feel a combination of pity/disgust/disdain/sorrow for their not being able to break free of the crutch... and B) That even though you are certain that religion is a net negative for all of the human race, and that it just DESTROYS society after human society and pollutes men's ability to think clearly…and so on and so forth…(You can see how easily I slip into that mode, just for access to a quick way to be descriptive in my explanation)--- You HAVE to realize that only people that have deeply explored both sides this coin and who have believed both at one point or other, have done the amount of thinking you have on it.

We make a grave mistake when we wholesale reject a viewpoint that isn’t as luxuriously black and white in its ostensible morality, we still tend to reject the people who are partial to it in the same way we would people who fit the profile of something much more patently black-and-white in its rejectability for which you find no compelling reason not to be utterly disdainful or loathesome towards: (AKA “Violent Misogynists”, or “Hate Crime Perpetrators”, "Pedophiles", or "Unremorseful, Anti-social Psychopaths/Serial Killers/Etc."  — To be firmly and strongly opposed to allowing these people any compassion is to simply reflect the only acceptable choice one can have as a member of a society built on cooperative achievement and mutual trust. Got a problem with violent jihadism? Join the enormous, gigantic club. But, when our behavior reflects that we feel this kind of distaste and have assigned this kind of blanket emotional rejection of another group of people who have chosen to classify themselves by a label that is far more ambiguous in its moral clarity, as if it only consisted entirely of things which we feel no appreciation, love, or tolerance for, we unfortunately become PRECISELY the thing to which we MOST disdain about people who have rejected everybody else and condemned them for not being adherents of the same belief system.

We most disdain being caught up in a belief system that actively encourages religiously condoned prejudice, and which encourages religiously based discrimination and denial of civil liberties while absolving themselves of any blame by invoking as a justification, God’s agreeance with their own disturbingly inappropriate interpretation of religious text.  Despite the fact that you can be personally, fairly certain in your belief system, once you patently reject any possibility of your own strongly held certainties *POSSIBLY* being wrong, then you reach a point where you exhibit disdain for others not as clearly “advanced”, “evolved” or as “intelligent” as you have decided your beliefs have proven you to be. You've simply switched faiths but maintained no higher level of evolution in your manner and understanding of others. In short, you are one of the people who absolutely inspire hatred among the religious for your patent dismissal as foolish and ricidulous the things which they hold as most near and dear to them.

When you are as smugly certain that only foolishness resides in the beliefs you once held. You tend to forget that belief is not actually REALLY a choice. Belief is the ultimate logical and necessary end that your brain has to come to, after its path has travelled enough mileage on both sides of an argument to be helpless but for you to discover that a decision has been made, that you didn’t really have a choice in. Because the religious necessarily safeguard their own minds from potential sources of doubt which might lead to disbelief, and even police their own thought processes in an automatic, lifelong pursuit of a mistaken belief that by avoiding thinking about the alternative entirely, you can maintain true belief based on your ignorance to anything else all together. Its only the people that have put real, unashamed, unobstructed thought into both sides of a situation that are truly allowed to stake out the claim that they BELIEVE something, because to believe, truthfully, is to wholeheartedly immerse oneself into finding anything with validity pertaining to the subject at hand. If you fear questioning your own beliefs because of the limp wristed excuse that the devil might get the better of you and you’ll spiral into a morally devoid character with no real faith remaining, then it shows the extent to which you’ve successfully left any REAL attempt at learning what you REALLY believe, supplanting it with a sustained, doomed to fail attempt at excluding any thought OTHER then one of belief in Religion A. 

That is not belief. It just showcases a talent for being so good at lying to yourself that for years, you can really think that you believe what you profess to believe, not realizing that until you allow your critical thinking cap to fully run the numbers on all choices, with all information unimpeded and unbiased, then you cannot claim to really believe what you believe you believe, and make a believably convincing argument that will compel somebody who has done the requisite footwork in critical thinking. They cannot help but sniff out your fearful lack of a mental counterpoint, because once you’ve sorted all this out for yourself, the confidence your argument inherently possesses doesn’t rely on insistent talking points, lacking the depth one gets when they really struggle with a question of this magnitude. When you know what all the cards in a deck are, inside and out, its super easy to spot a poker player who has only played with decks with dupe after dupe of all red face cards. Its impossible to fake the comprehensive, personal awareness of all aspects of the hand your opponent might deal you if you’ve never been willing to accept that unless you learn about all the cards, your system of spiritual choice-deprivation only plays well when you’re debating with the choir. Not someone from outside of it altogether

Once you recognize that THIS is reality, like it or not, then you MUST logically recognize that if you don’t respectfully, and with a willingness to be accomodative to the fact that your debate partner isn’t CAPABLE of debating their point on the merits, yet, until you have convinced them they cannot truly hold a belief as near and dear, until they are willing to explore the foundation and depth of their belief, and have been willing to subject it to their critical, doubtful mind and explored other possible paths of interest. 

Your goal, as a thoughtful person, is not to alienate and increase the vastness of the moat which divides you and the people of other persuasion in their beliefs, the way they do to you. Rather, you only enforce their certainty of the wrongness they associate with the stereotype everyone has for the “militant atheist”—and once you’ve enforced that as your own label, you’ve become your professed enemy—to a T.

Rather then show disdain for your fellow man’s belief system because you find it primitive and pathetic, PROVE to them that your belief system is a classy and intelligently rigourous, ethical one to be in, by being able to politely articulate what in your beliefs compel your disagreement about certain points in theirs. Be able to explain, I know there is no way to be 100% certain of either of our POV, on this, so please know, that Im only defining what, to me, is the most compelling argument, when I strip the fear away, and unabashedly dig into what I really can’t help but believe to be the truth.  You will like yourself more, and represent your class of belief system much better for ALL the others who share it with you, instead of enforcing the divide by dismissing religious people as unevolved buffoons. 

It makes YOU and the person you debate with better people, both, for providing you both with a mandate, and a reference point for unconditional respect and civility, even in the face of beliefs you clearly find foolish. And you may just convince somebody to run the rigorous self-assessment on their own faith and thinking and the strength and personal logic of their underlying beliefs---which would then mean that you have compelled your fellow man to do something for themselves that they have always needed to do, but never had the courage to carry out. And this means, whatever the outcome, that you’ve done them a HUGE service and is, on its own, enough to encourage self-sustaining, patterned behavior which is founded in respect and understanding, when debating agnosticism/atheism, with somebody who believes they can reject your view in favor of theism.

Its only if people represent an inherent capacity for understanding and politeness in explainingly beguilingly compelling reasons for a person to question their own beliefs, that we can say we display BETTER moral courage, decency, & respectful behavior, not to mention make a more solid claim to empathy and sympathy and understanding of others, and the current limits of what others CAN believe. We are trying to first expand THOSE limits in any discussion or debate, knowing the rest will follow on its own if you can. Otherwise, we’re only becoming our own worst enemy and doomed to be perpetuating the worst kind of partisan BS, forever & ever & ever..... 

Friday, January 18, 2013

On Whether Belief is Ever a Choice and How This Affects Climate Change

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I posted this comment on an NYT Article about progressive churches starting to get involved on Climate Change action. I have a lot more to say about it, but they limit you to 1500 characters, so, that, precisely, is what you get below. (Original Article and a Permalink to my comment there is here:

Belief is not a choice most of us have the luxury of making. Belief is based on your grasp of all relevant facts, science,& pertinent information available to you. Its unlikely you could TRULY make yourself believe 2 + 2 = 5 , even if your life depended on it.

That beliefs are generally choices we make is a delusion of the ignorant.

Unfortunately, this country's fervently religious 'true believers', which seem concentrated to Southern Baptists & Protestant households (as I was raised in) tend to differ greatly from the rest of us. There, being raised from birth to embrace contradictory, irrational & even disproved beliefs is the norm. As an adult, the value of paramount importance is actively maintaining ignorance in support of one's irrational beliefs. Its why the Santorums of the world are openly hostile to intelligent secular school curriculum. They know their kids don't stand a chance w/o monumental ignorance.

To nurture a culture which perpetuates beliefs in patently false or the absurd, kids are taught that teachers and scientists are liars & that liberalism=immorality. The Bible is revered as morality's final word, yet they're often racists & homophobes. They claim to be skeptics, but take great joy dismissing climate science. Thats not skepticism. Its willful ignorance.

Sadly, this'll NEVER spread beyond progressive churches, to where its most needed. Not w/o the movement's real/perceived spiritual & political leaders embracing belief on climate change, first.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

God's Work aka (WTF Aren't you a MAPS Member Yet?)

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Ok, its time for me to do a little of God's work, here. I'd like to tell you a bit about MAPS. 

MAPS is the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. Their website is one of the (currently, only) three links I have seen fit to include on my links widget over to the right of my main screen, but for good measure and posterity, it shall be included here, as well:

You can also find them on Twitter under

Lets make something clear: If you feel that marijuana or MDMA or LSD or psilocybin are in any way helpful, valuable tools that do not deserve to be schedule 1 controlled substances, then you should absolutely sprig $50 a year (or more!) to help MAPS in their mission. I've been a member since 1998, although I was a free member in 1997, while I was imprisoned for LSD Sales, and a friend of mine who was working on their first website advised that I be mailed the Bulletin for free, on the grounds that I was a psychedelic prisoner.....

Immediately, I began receiving their, at the time, quarterly bulletin, and it literally improved my entire experience.

But more than that, over the years, I've watched them grow from a tiny, low revenue organization in Florida with 2 full time employees, to a REAL organization, with major accompishment,  New York Times profiles, and so much more. But most importantly, they have only grown into a real organization through INSANELY responsible, and intelligent use of donor funds. 

If you want to see a future where the drug war is over, and the tools that clearly evolved alongside of us a species, that are our very most powerful tools in the fight against psychiatric and psychological traumas, personality disorders, and other untreatable mental illnesses, including end of life anxiety...... Then your money that goes to the United Way or whatever right now, is FAR BETTER SERVED going to MAPS.  They supported me in my time of need. Please think about supporting them.

Monday, January 14, 2013

UNSENT MAIL: Russia, My Dad & stupid comments about Nuclear arms.

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OK. So this is another from the vestiges of my UNSENT mail archives. This was my Dad's comment weighing in on yet another thing on which he is delusional and on the wrong side of both history and progress in his thinking. I utlimately never sent him this because I didn't want to start another huge explosion between us.

My Dad (emphasis his) had this to say at the tail end of a long conversation about Obama, and my dad's certainty of his complete ineptitude, at any and all things:
"Too bad the Russians are ramping up their nuclear arsenal as of late.  He belongs in kindergarten.

President Obama called nuclear disarmament as "a moral obligation," as he suggested that the United States is leading by example to bring about "a world without nuclear weapons."
"American leadership has been essential to progress in a second area -- taking concrete steps towards a world without nuclear weapons," Obama said yesterday during a speech in Korea. "I believe the United States has a unique responsibility to act -- indeed, we have a moral obligation."
He cited the recent START treaty with Russia -- which set a cap on nuclear stockpiles that effectively required the United States to decrease its weapon stores without requiring the Russians to adjust theirs -- as an example of "important progress."

To this I penned the following response, and then just let it sit until now at least:

"I see no problems with this. The real maroon is the one who thinks when he becomes president, opting for an aggresive arms race with Russia, depite the complicating factor that IS China, now, is somehow an improvement over peaceful arms reductions. 2300 Nuclear weapons, enough to wipe out every major population center on Earth about 5 times over, in our stockpiles alone, is not enough. ? With Russia having another 1800-1900, I quite think START is a great idea.

I honestly don't care if the Russians have 15 million nukes and we only have 15. As long as Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan are all kept eye on very tightly, I think we and Russia can both eliminate 98% of our nuclear arsenals....Put another way, lets say we get into a war. Do you really think, by the time we've "lived" through the first 4100 nukes detonating, we're gonna wish there were some more ready to be dropped. "Cuz now Russia has 10 left to our none! We should have built more Nukes! We could have hit St. Petersburg, Russia for a 53rd time! Damn!"  Honestly, how can you say that, between the two countries, 4200 nukes isn't enough, and if they build one then we need to match it.  How not sane is that thinking really? Are we keeping up with the Joneses? 

Put simply, Nuclear Disarmament IS a moral obligation. Admit it. If that was a republican making that claim you'd be behind it."