Wednesday, September 11, 2013

If Drugs Were Legal....

Let me start out by saying that the initial purpose of this post was make people aware of this superb little doucmentary from, I think, 2006, made by the BBC as part of their If..... Series of op/editorial infused speculative documentaries that mix dramatic fiction and real world experts of differing opinions on controversial topics. Their goal with these If.... Films are to try and best discern the reality behind the endless political posturing around hot button topics to try and fairly represent how people should really be looking at the topic in question. 

A little bit of interesting backgound...I first discovered this right around the very nadir of my slow descent into madness brought on by drinking Gamma Butyrolactone (GBL) several times daily for an extended period that stretched a few years... Right when I first discovered it, everybody that came to my house was subjected to it. I have to say, its only like 10% cheesy, and 90% really damn well done, even now years later, and alone lays out a better argument in favor of legalizing all drugs, than any 100 hours spent watching anything else or listening or reading to anyone or anything else trying to convince the skeptically inclined, but legitimately open minded folks out there who would actually care to spend time thinking about it.Ironically, even as we used this movie to make the case that legalizing all drugs was a good idea,  a very good argument to the opposite side of things was busy playing itself out in real time.
 Anybody who was around, simply by observing my wife's and my own increasingly bizarre behavior and chaotic psychological descent that was a direct result of having a near limitless supply (at the time, we thought) of GBL, and really nothing stopping us from almost constantly being in a stupor from it. 

Anyways, you WILL be hooked within the first 5 minutes. Just give it a chance, and if you don't have the time to finish the whole thing now, just remember your place and come back later to finish it!

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