Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and Rad Ramadan!! Actually, fuck all three of those. I wish you a Sublime Solstice!
This comment was inspired by the absurdity; the stupidity; the mega-turd-ocity of THIS video on Youtube, as well as its creator: The Third Eye = Satanic Portal to The Demonic Realm" . Truly, this is the worst corner of Youtube to find yourself in.
Just gotta throw this out there: The church itself, (and, to be honest, the three Abrahamic religions in general, Judaism, Islam, and of course Christianity)......with the core shared tenet essentially being that they all equally share God, they also are in equally vehement denial regarding the validity or legitimacy of the other two........... are the absolute worst thing that ever happened to the human race.
Seriously, the Church which spends its existencevilifying EVERYTHING, and posting anti-everything videos, and preaching anti-everything ....And who have spent the last 2000 years killing everything from people to ideas to proof or evidence to their belief system's contrary..... Are still trying to pretend that they follow Jesus' decree to love they enemy? EVERYBODY is the church's enemy, by decree of the church. Maybe if you didn't have so damn many enemies you'd be allowed to dislike the few you did have, like the rest of us.
Imagine, if those religions, with their countless wars, crusades, treasons and murders, countless children's innocence stolen, countless broken ruined lives ended in suicide after suffering clergy abuse, and countless more ended the same way because those same unholy clergymen who would force their appetites on children turned around to decree homosexuality as an abomination, as is premarital sex, birth control, etc etc........
Imagine if the crusades had never happened, the renaisance never ended, the Salem Witch Trials never ended with anybody falsely accused or put to death, and extrapolating across the Abrahamic board here, imagine if non of the atrocities done in Allah's name, the forced marriages, the clitoral mutilation, the murder of schoolgirls, the suicide bombings, the "honor killings", and worse....Imagine if they never happened. Imagine if the jews hadn't angered so many over history with their certainty at being "God's Chosen People" (the arrogance of that thinking is only visible from outside the spectrum of the belief in one of the abrahamic religions), and imagine if we'd always just respected each others opinions on the grandeur of the cosmos by admitting we don't really fucking know what we're talking about, and so lets not act as if we are so certain about some bullshit fairytale that we are willing to kill or be killed for it.
Why is it that everybody can tell in their gut that the absence of these three religiouns, which have been nothing but a pox on all mankind for thousands of years, would have meant incredible things for mankind as a species by now, and know damn well we'd be more peaceful and better off, but feel like they are still right about everything anyways cuz its just another of God's "mysterious ways" that things should have worked out so roughly up until now, and never have the balls to question whether or not a God who claims to be good, but puts us through all of this, and lets children die of ebola, and who threatens to punish us eternaly for sins committed in a life lived temporarily..... really is any good.. I mean, is that a God you want to trust in? Whose subjective idea of good is every horrific thing that has ever been done and then some?
This video (the The Third Eye = Satanic Portal to The Demonic Realm" one, remember? Its absurd and founded on as much stupid, delusional and egotistical thinking as the concept of the devil is. Our third eye being reopened is the only chance we have to recognize what a scourge on mankind the 3 Abrahamic religions are, on an ongoing basis, and this is why, truly, it scares the crap of out Christians. It scares them because the 3rd eye is REAL and when you open it, you know it, and it blows, like so much corporeal dust, the delusion of organized religion from ones mind for good, and there is rarely any hope of getting you back once this happens. So, like everything for the Christians, their mantra is "Don't experience, don't feel, don't find out, trust in God and do what you're told!"- --As this is the only set of rules that will keep anybody with half a brain laboring under the delusion of their religious bullshit long enough so that they are too old to have anything but fear about starting over with a new belief system. Once they have you afraid to learn the truth because you've known the lie for so long, thats when you become a "respected member of the church" and a "pillar of the community".....Once you are firmly fighting for "THEM."
Anything in the way of spiritual advice that a Christian ever gives you, especially unsolicited, is a good way to know exactly what to do the opposite of if you'd like to become a more complete, more conscious, more empathic, more knowledgable human being. The advice is no different here.
So this holiday season, when you start to get nostalgic for the good old days where everybody was in the "Christmas spirit" just remember, that the Christmas spirit is literally probably how we would have naturally evolved to feel and act towards one another all the time, in our shared humanity and the realization that no petty differences in our history can possibly account for the vast similarities we all share in our lives here on Earth. The brotherhood and humanity that would have grown and thrived from that concept, absent any religious infighting, is what you'd feel ALL THE TIME if not for the corruption and cynicism of the Big Three, and their vast tentacles of influence across millenia and the world over.........
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