I am specifically referring to a trip or a roll, as in, we're talking about empathogens and/or psychedelics. Its a fact of life amongst those who know
from firsthand experience that if you are tripping hard, your cats and
the wildlife around you end up tripping too, and sometimes it seems like they are wigged out even harder than you might be. My (now) wife and
I, back when we first met in our raver days circa the mid 90's, were
walking down a street back to my apartment one night
tripping sack like crazy. As we approached our apartment building we
froze in our tracks. There was a BIG city racooon about 12 feet up a
trree directly in front of us. The tree was maybe 25 feet away. He was
starting right at us like he knew we were coming already.
I just
whispered Sssshhhhh to the ol' lady, and we slowly appraoched the tree.
In like super slow motion we crept, and the raccoon did the same thing, I
could almost see it sensing...knowing even, that we presented no
danger. As we got to withing 5 feet of the base of the tree, the raccoon
was now at the foot of the tree at ground level.
We slowly began to
crouch down as slowly as our legs would possibly allow us to do. It took
what seemed to be 10 minutes for him to inch closer to us and for us
you lower ourselves all the way down into a crouching position. Finally
we were all the way down but our legs and ankles were starting to scream
at us... The raccoon was staring, alternatingly right into my eyes,
then my wife's.
Eventually we were so close that we put out our hands
and the raccoon smelled our hands. After he had done so, he crept back
up a few steps and slowly, without any fear, walked back up the tree. We
took the opportunity to stretch our legs, as our tendons and muscles
were crying out in pain as this whole showdown had taken about 20
minutes of deliberate slow motion moving then crouching. We felt like
the most amazing thing ever had just occirred to us, and we knew without
a doubt that the raccoon became as high from the LSD we had taken as we
have, and he sort of made this connection with us.
The best part? That this story is not yet over.
bout a week later, we were out having sex in the parking lot, in my car.
(A "lovely" 1986 Buick Somerset with the space-aged digital computer
dash. I had adorned the vehicle, which backfired frequently, with all
manner of stickers, including one of a mouse with a syrunge being
pressed into him that was meant to cover a big patch on the center of a
skateboard ramp, that covered my entire drivers side door. Quite the
idiotic police magnet...) The car was off and all was quiet. We were on,
I think, LSD and a light dose of MDMA, both.
At the time, I don't
recall who was on bottom but we were in the front seat with the
passengers side tilt tipped all the way down and back, and so one of us
who was naturally facing upwards and out of the windshield at the large
privacy fence that encircled our parking lot, (I think it was me that)
gasped and pointed upwards at the top of the fence. Walking along the
top of the fence, as if he had come from wherever knowing he was going
to find us, was our raccoon buddy. He was carrying something in his
mouth, and it was easier to see once he had stopped, DIRECTLY above my
windshield in the spot with the best view of our activities.
He had
decided to sit there and intently watch us fuck, and we could now see
that he had brought a snack with him. He sat up on his haunches, like a
little man, and began eating an ENTIRE bagel he had gotten from the
garbage somewhere. I do not remember if we were able to finish or not,
as it was very weird having this raccoon eating a bagel watching us
fuck, but whether we did or not, is irrelevant. This story was not about
us. Ive told it with the 100% truth, and looking back, its obvious this
was a story *ABOUT* the raccoon.
If you ever needed further proof that
your trip effects the behavior of people and other living creatures
around you, then look no further then this. I have never doubted it
again since that approximately 1 week long period and our two encounters
with what was CERTAINLY the same raccoon. It goes without saying that
cats are affected very intensely as well, by your trip aura. And there
is no reason to think other mammals/living creatures are any different.
By the way: I was inspired to write this blog post when I saw the comment (not the story itself) posted by Cris E from one of the groups I'm a member of. See her post here:
Cris E's Post About Her Dog Sharing Her High
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