So, I saw this guy post a tweet to Joe Rogan today. I could not tell if it was being Ironic, but I followed the tweet's link and read most of the article that was on the site, which is clearly a Christian one that wishes it had science on its side. Here is the original article:
I linked to it to see if it was a humor site, first, or a real site. To my chagrin, it was real, and I was helpless to read on in horror as the articles author literally took whatever he wanted and equated it directly as if the LOGICAL TAKEAWAY from these things, was that it meant that it proves biblical God as the creator of everything. One commenter mentioned that he took away the very opposite, which is also what I would have taken away, or at best it wouldn't have brought it up in my mind one way or other.
Anyways, I posted a very long, but thankfully (for me) concise comment to the articles author. I didn't say short, BTW. I said concise, which people often think means short, but really just means that it made the point in the shortest possible way. And when you are attempting to explain, TO the religious, all the great secrets of the universe that can be gleaned from ingestion of psychedelics, at a post at the end of a web article, what would be a long comment for most, is still extremely concise.
As I said, the post I left, was one I was pleased enough with that I decided to make it into a blog post here.
You don't REALLY need to read the article, but know this. Its shamefully written using science that is very interesting as a jumping off point to claim that "this alone proves that a creator made everything blah blah blah." Its tantamount to the claim that because atoms have so much energy inside them, with such specific constraints to their behavior, that it PROVES THE BIBLE IS TRUE. Yes, he wasn't just on a creator kick. He believed it to be, of course, evidence that the Bible was true as well.
The final kicker is, I don't think he really believed what he was writing. And I told him so in my comment which you'll get to in a second.
The twitter handle of the guy who linked the article in a direct tweet TO is this: and here is my twitter handle so you can see my tweet which I posted to them BOTH about the blogpost you are currently reading:
BTW: When you are done reading, if you didn't notice on the right of your screen, I added a new page to my blog. Its an as of yet captionless series of photos spanning a good large portion of my vintage (and vanity) blotter art collection, and my Leary and Hofmann signature posters from the early 90's, are included as well......
Dear Mr. Mike Adams:
How on Earth can you be so effin' intelligent,
and at the same time, so effin' dense? Anybody that doesn't have the
same agenda you do... To desperately convince ourselves that our faith
isn't hanging on by as tenuous a grasp as your subconscious is fully
aware that it is, and to try and strenghten that faith, even possibly by
converting it to "knowledge" (whch you can never actually do) by being
successful via the medium of convincing others (I know how this works,
it used to be something I did) that the Bible is true, that Jesus
Christ died for you...blah blah.....
What would be impressive
is if you said what you're really thinking deep down, and is probably
the reason you focus so little on Jesus name himself, and have actually
allowed yourself to at least admit the earth is over 10000 years old,
and that the big bang happened, and
you've even let that "Pagan" concept of Karma creep into your lingo...
So just admit it. If you haven't done it now, you will some day, and
then you'll stop writing these obnoxious news article headlines. You
long ago lost your faith in Christianity, and you have decided to put
all your chips into at least still believing in God, while you wait for
further information to convince you.
Well, consider this post
your source for "more information" my friend. Here are some little key
points that may not have occurred to you. I actually find that they
haven't occurred to most people:
1) There is a third choice
between having a belief in God and being an Atheist. You can believe in a
higher CONSCIOUSNESS, that isn't our creator. I do. In fact, I am 100%
sure of this. Its the reason that so many people talk about
consciousness after they have had an intense, enlightening psychedelic
trip. Because psychedelics, like pislocybin, LSD, mescaline, Ayahuasca,
etc, can and WILL let you commune with what native Americans called "The
great Spirit...." But what the religious don't get, and neither do the
Athiests, is that this higher consciousness may be infinite relative to
our time scale, it has only been around as long as the universe. Its one
of the fundamental forces of the universe, contrary to the 4
fundamental forces.... Its the cliche'd "Fifth Element" ---but its not
people. Rather its something bigger which people possess a very small
fragment of: Consciousness.
2) You can commune with the
closest thing this universe has to a "God" which is the fundamental
consciousness of all existence. In fact, it embodies everything that we
as conscious beings are not a part of. Its why we can have out of body
experiences, and under duress or moments of great epiphany read the
thoughts and hear the the minds of others and loved ones who are nearby,
or even remote from us. Our consciousness, as soon as its no longer
assigned/attached to our living body is no longer just ours. Its part of
everything again. There is no YOU after death. There is only
3) Listen to the first line of "I am The Walrus"
--Lennon surely wrote this after his first real epiphany about the
nature of our existence. "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are
all together." --- If we all return to the same singular all
encompassing universally prevalent consciousness, and we all came from
the same place in a tiny fragmentary sliver of its greatness passing as
our own, then are we all not fundamentally the same person, and when we
harm another we are harmingn all of mankind, including ourselves? In
this respect, Karma IS the natural law of the universe, its an extension
of the omniprevalence of the Universal Consciousness. If you send
around bad, it will come back to you that way. And effectively, a life
lived here transmitting harm and fear to others, while it may never get
what people felt it had coming to it---you never really know. I believe
that living a life of unenlightenment, and of harming others and growing
mistrust with others is basically, by default, miserable, and narrowly
focused, and misses out on what makes life so joyous... Being of the
understanding that you are a part of EVERYTHING, and you are IMPORTANT
because without YOU, good, and enlightened thought has one less ally to
help influence others.
4)Finally, and most importantly: Your
reason for existence is this: Figure out what it takes to make you truly
happy. Guilt free, doing-it-for-yourself and not to please religious
rituals, parents, or anybody else--- But finding what it takes to make
YOU happy--and then doing it with love and appreciation that out of all
the things you could have been, you ENDED UP as a person who is
enlightened enough to realize that creator myths are designed to control
us with fear. Why do you think they all, every one, have the threat of
punishment for non-adherence? And in realizing this, it actually becomes
MORE morally important to do what is right, since this is your ONLY
shot at doing so, and because its your only shot at having it come back
around to you, and because PART OF DOING WHAT IS RIGHT, IS HELPING TO
words, despite starting my post out using the words "So effin' dense"
--- I ended this post by showing you that its my GOOD DEED FOR THE DAY.
No hard feelings about the opening sentence I hope. I apologize if you
took offense to it, because I'm dead serious about everything I said.
Take care, my friend. You write as if you are most of the way there.
Find yourself a tab of good acid, stay home for the night and take it
alone while thinking about spirituality and what your reason for
existence really is.. Youll come out on the other side, the next day, a
person changed, and at calm and peace like you've never felt before,
forever. And the best part is, its not the fake "you must trade us your
right to think freely, and believe what we tell you in exchange for
"eternal Peace" kind of peace that religion offers people. All wrong
answers with no official scoring on those answers provided until after
you're dead. But it will surely turn out that they hold no substance.
There is a certain kind of person that likes to be given all the
answers, however hard to believe they are. However much it removes the
need to do ones own thinking, and possibly admitting "I have no
idea"---You do not seem like that kind of person. If the best you can do
is disagree without being brave enough to challenge your beliefs, and
throwi in an "Ill be praying for you." ----save it. I have plenty of
zealotry in my family, with quite enough prayers already being said for
me. And before you challenge me to do the same and challenge my
beliefs-- understand that this is ALL I HAVE EVER DONE. I was already
raised staunchly Lutheran, and my parents still are. So I have
challenged mine my whole life. Mine are not dogma and open to being
tweaked if I have a new experience that changes the path a bit. Its
dogma that needs to be left behind for good, and only thinking 100%
percent for ourselves, no bibilical or religious influence or bias that
will help you find the path truly right for you. Good luck.
Let the religious animosity and disdainful comments start......Now.
I'm even going to turn this post into a blog post on my blog, in your
honor sir. I hope to make you a true believer. OR unbeliever. Whichever
your viewpoint would have you call it.