.......Not only did they take almost my entire blotter art collection to test out for drugs, but they also took all of my computers, which I believe was 3 laptops and a desktop PC, 8 hard drives, countless USB sticks, SD Cards, and other types of Flash memory out of every device, camera, computer, and cell phone in the house.
This means they essentially have every photograph of my daughter ever taken. They have my 75,000 track strong music collection, and they have 17+ years of my wife and my home movies. Both family friendly, and not so family friendly.
Plus they have robbed me of my trust in people, as I look at every person that drives by my house with a shifty gaze now, and every person sitting in a parked car within 5 miles of my house is "certainly" watching me, in my view.
And now, I present the photographs from my sister's phone, taken while I still sat in jail. I wish she had taken a few steps backward in order to better capturethe widespread disaster zone that it was, but one way or another, these are all taken in the same rooms mine were. Note the room with the Close-Encounters style Devil's Tower pile of shit on the bed in our bedroom. Its the photo with the ceiling fan basically touching the pile of our belongings. The only photos of our bedroom that I included before captured the very corner of our bed, after I'd spent 5 hours cleaning it off. These photos capture how it looked initially.
Sorry there is not much order or rhyme or reason to them.