Monday, December 22, 2014

This Holdiay Season, Please Remember that the Abrahamic Religions are the single worst fucking thing that has ever happened to mankind.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and Rad Ramadan!! Actually, fuck all three of those. I wish you a Sublime Solstice!

This comment was inspired by the absurdity; the stupidity; the mega-turd-ocity of THIS video on Youtube, as well as its creator: The Third Eye = Satanic Portal to The Demonic Realm" .  Truly, this is the worst corner of Youtube to find yourself in.

Just gotta throw this out there: The church itself, (and, to be honest, the three Abrahamic religions in general, Judaism, Islam, and of course Christianity)......with the core shared tenet essentially being that they all equally share God, they also are in equally vehement denial regarding the validity or legitimacy of the other two........... are the absolute worst thing that ever happened to the human race.  

Seriously, the Church which spends its existencevilifying EVERYTHING, and posting anti-everything videos, and preaching anti-everything ....And who have spent the last 2000 years killing everything from people to ideas to proof or evidence to their belief system's contrary..... Are still trying to pretend that they follow Jesus' decree to love they enemy? EVERYBODY is the church's enemy, by decree of the church. Maybe if you didn't have so damn many enemies you'd be allowed to dislike the few you did have, like the rest of us. 

Imagine, if those religions, with their countless wars, crusades, treasons and murders, countless children's innocence stolen, countless broken ruined lives ended in suicide after suffering clergy abuse, and countless more ended the same way because those same unholy clergymen who would force their appetites on children turned around to decree homosexuality as an abomination, as is premarital sex, birth control, etc etc........ 

Imagine if the crusades had never happened, the renaisance never ended, the Salem Witch Trials never ended with anybody falsely accused or put to death, and extrapolating across the Abrahamic board here, imagine if non of the atrocities done in Allah's name, the forced marriages, the clitoral mutilation, the murder of schoolgirls, the suicide bombings, the "honor killings", and worse....Imagine if they never happened. Imagine if the jews hadn't angered so many over history with their certainty at being "God's Chosen People" (the arrogance of that thinking is only visible from outside the spectrum of the belief in one of the abrahamic religions), and imagine if we'd always just respected each others opinions on the grandeur of the cosmos by admitting we don't really fucking know what we're talking about, and so lets not act as if we are so certain about some bullshit fairytale that we are willing to kill or be killed for it. 

Why is it that everybody can tell in their gut that the absence of these three religiouns, which have been nothing but a pox on all mankind for thousands of years, would have meant incredible things for mankind as a species by now, and know damn well we'd be more peaceful and better off, but feel like they are still right about everything anyways cuz its just another of God's "mysterious ways" that things should have worked out so roughly up until now, and never have the balls to question whether or not a God who claims to be good, but puts us through all of this, and lets children die of ebola, and who threatens to punish us eternaly for sins committed in a  life lived temporarily..... really is any good.. I mean, is that a God you want to trust in? Whose subjective idea of good is every horrific thing that has ever been done and then some? 

This video (the The Third Eye = Satanic Portal to The Demonic Realm" one, remember? Its absurd and founded on as much stupid, delusional and egotistical thinking as the concept of the devil is. Our third eye being reopened is the only chance we have to recognize what a scourge on mankind the 3 Abrahamic religions are, on an ongoing basis, and this is why, truly, it scares the crap of out Christians. It scares them because the 3rd eye is REAL and when you open it, you know it, and it blows, like so much corporeal dust, the delusion of organized religion from ones mind for good, and there is rarely any hope of getting you back once this happens. So, like everything for the Christians, their mantra is "Don't experience, don't feel, don't find out, trust in God and do what you're told!"- --As this is the only set of rules that will keep anybody with half a brain laboring under the delusion of their religious bullshit long enough so that they are too old to have anything but fear about starting over with a new belief system. Once they have you afraid to learn the truth because you've known the lie for so long, thats when you become a "respected member of the church" and a "pillar of the community".....Once you are firmly fighting for "THEM." 

Anything in the way of spiritual advice that a Christian ever gives you, especially unsolicited, is a good way to know exactly what to do the opposite of if you'd like to become a more complete, more conscious, more empathic, more knowledgable human being.  The advice is no different here. 

So this holiday season, when you start to get nostalgic for the good old days where everybody was in the "Christmas spirit" just remember, that the Christmas spirit is literally  probably how we would have naturally evolved to feel and act towards one another all the time, in our shared humanity and the realization that no petty differences in our history can possibly account for the vast similarities we all share in our lives here on Earth. The brotherhood and humanity that would have grown and thrived from that concept, absent any religious infighting, is what you'd feel ALL THE TIME if not for the corruption and cynicism of the Big Three, and their vast tentacles of influence across millenia and the world over.........

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I GOT RAIDED Pt. III ......... So, the NBOMe Raid is actually part of a huge murder investigation.....

So here is some information that will help you put into context just how convoluted this whole situation actually is. 

The raid, while technically being a drug raid, was actually performed by about 25 or 30 of my metropolitan area's finest as part of a murder investigation. Apparently, they feel that every person who has ever laid finger upon a particular drug that someone eventually meets a tragic, early demise upon ingesting, is guilty of murder. That is why when THIS happened back in January, this entire investigation was set into motion:

The key in the above linked article is the mentioning of Alexander Lee Claussen. He is the person whom I've never met, ever, not once, who was apparently used as a Confidential Informat in our case. You read that right. Ive never met him, he doesn't know me and I don't know him, and yet he was used as the person who supposedly had the inside information track to justify raiding my home...

Apparently this whole situation was kind of a big deal, because I've found news articles in nearly every language on it. One of the better, later ones was the UK's Daily Mail as seen below. The link below THAT is the actual affidavit for probable cause that was used to raid and arrest him back in May.

One thing I didn't mention before in my previous blog posts on this subject due to the sensitivity of the entire situation, was that simultaneous to my house being raided, a close friend of mine from North Minneapolis' home was being raided simultaneously, as was a third friend of ours' truck----The friend's house who got raided apparently knew this Alex Claussen kid, via his older brother. The extent of their relationship and/or what sort of thinking was occurring in the head of my friend, who turned 40 this year, to have anything to do with a 19 year unknown to me. But somehow because I happened to have been a large scale purveyor of blank and vintage blotter art, which my other friend sometimes would purchase from me, and because this Claussen fella took all the shit talking my buddy mustv've done so literally, when he somehow grew to be confused (or so I speculate, because, I don't know what else on Earth could have been the situation here) and thought that my collection of blank blotter art----which he only knew of through stories my buddy told him--was actually all laid out dipped blotter. Or so I'd guess, since I don't know any other way they would have confused me with somebody who'd have 500K doses of dipped blotter at his house.

The last little piece of this tale, which I feel better talking about here now for reasons that will be obvious in a moment, is also the other thing which I had failed to mention previously. 

My 3rd friend, mutually acquainted with the friend who got raided, had his Chevy Trailblazer confiscated. and was slated to be a forfeiture seizure on State Law....Or so we were told. The commander of the Washington County Drug task force, officer Benson, had flat out told my friend  that they were going to be taking and keeping his truck. They pulled them over leaving a Home Depot parking lot, walking out of the store with my friend who owned the house that was actually, literally being raided at that moment, unbeknownst to him. Apparently, while the investigation was about Drug A, they did find small amounts of marijuana, and also a different, unrelated, Drug B in his vehicle. This was their reasoning for the seizure.

Well, lo and behold, 60 days went by and they forgot to provide my buddy with paperwork on the forfeiture intentions, and so I began calling both of the counties involved counties' attorneys' offices and leaving messages impersonating my friend, and demanding that we please be given the vehicle back because, under our state law, if notification is not provided in 60 days about an intent to forfeit, the property must be given back. It doesn't precisely rule out a forfeiture, but they can't hold it any longer without charges being filed, and without a judge specifically signing a 30 day extension. 

We got stonewalled for over a week, and I didn't expect anything good to arise from my calls, because police usually do whatever the fuck they want to do to people anyway, and disregard any laws passed to try and create some sort of fairness and order in favor of the defendant...But after about 10 days had gone by, my buddy gets a call from Sgt Benson, begrudgingly and unhappily telling him he can come get his truck back from such-and-such person. We were already overjoyed because he had been nothing more then collateral damage in this whole situation. While they had misguided and false info for raiding me and buddy #1, our buddy #2 was had his truck raided and seized simply because he had driven from my house to buddy #2's that day right before the raids were supposed to happen, He arrived at right around the time Claussen was supposedly wrapping up his duties as a CI on buddy #1. Then buddy numbers #1 & 2# went to Home Depot in number #2s truck, and the rest is history. So,when my buddy literally was to lose his only means of transport on account of something he had zero to do with, I had felt terrible ever since, and somehow responsible for all this, just by virtue of being alive  and because he happen to have headies of 2 other drugs, including marijuana on him.....

So, the last part is the Keystone Cops icing on the cake. When he had his truck seized, he received a copy of the warrant and what they found in it a few days later. One of those things was "Drug B, in eyeglasses case, lighter." 

So we head out, and make the hour drive to the public works building in the middle of the woods for this county...We get led to his vehicle and they remove the huge "Do not return to owner" sign out of the dash, and the keys are in it. The man who brought us back there was now headed away, and as my friend is following me in my Jeep out of the gated area where his truck had been kept, and in his truck he notices something..... Up in the visor, stuck right their for him, was the eyeglasses case, with the paraphernalia, the lighter, and the bag of Drug #B that was their only supposed evidence of any wrong doing besides the pot. Thats right. They left the alleged evidence in the vehicle....Another way of looking at it, is that they returned the entirety of his property to him, including the reason justifying their desired forfeiture in the first place.... Without the leverage necessary to put my buddy under duress, they lose all of their circumstantial BS and the ability to put any pressure on anyone about anything they might want to learn about, other then the paltry personal use drugs they found, in each person's belongings during the respective 3-locale-raid.

So, at this point I've not been charged with anything, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they don't try and get me with a bunch of piddly lesser crimes.

NEXT STEP FOR  ME AT THIS POINT: I need to find out about getting my art collection back, same as they had to give my buddy's truck. Being that the art is actually supposedly part of their evidence in all this, I have no idea if its going to go as smoothly, but I will update on progress eventually.....

Lastly: As seen here, the CI, Alex Claussen, pled guilty to Murder 3, with no plea agreement whatsoever on the table. So that dude is clearly an idiot who isn't playing with a full deck. You don't just plead guilty to the worst charge they have on you, and with no assurance of leniency in writing. Here is the article on that dude: Local Radio Station Discussing A. Claussen's guilty plea.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

My Blotter Art is back!!

I cannot divuge details as i am crunched for time...But My Art Is Back Online!!
It was an inexplicably specific, and unexplained error between the entities that exist to make this blog work, and a total lack of communication or contact with me when the other one was taken offline due to compromised account access.....And its the site that hosted most of my photos..... 

The important thing here is that the artowrk is back up on my blog after a week or more without it!!

More details later, and the best part is, more good news has come down the pipeline in the way of my court case!! I will blog about it later!

Thanks all.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Apparently Google Has an Issue With My Blotter Art Collection.... aka.... Please Help! I need contact info to file a complaint for Google

They restricted access to my enitre Sorayama and Blotter Art collections' case you are curious as to what the hell happened to my blog. I am still trying to find the email or the number to call to protest. Ive never had a need to know before and now Im finding that when you have an issue with something #Google has done to you, there really doesnt seem to even be a phone number to call, nor an email or chat operator, nor mailing address specifically for #complaints a person's recourse.

If anybody knows better or has an 800-number or email address to use to resolve "differences" with the Orwellian Megacorporation whose motto is "Do No Evil", please contact me and let me know---or leave it in the comments section here. Thanks much!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Another debate with a (this time non-existent) internet troll, in which I state the case against bible thumping lawmakers and their voters too.......

Yet another snarky comment in an internet comment board debate turned into a novella that needed to go here so as to not drop this bomb on somebody.

The following and first brief is directed at everybody in the comment thread found here:

However, the majority of my response is geared toward a commenter that didn't actually exist. When I reread his comment for the purpose of posting it here, I realize I misread everything entirely, and that we were in agreement. "So nobody at all commented here stating that Democrats are sinners in gods' eyes, implying republicans were, as a given, "Not." Gosh, this was becoming a theological debate mighty damn  quick. And my whole response, a triumphant "Take that" once again designed for nothing, and nobody. Oh fucking well. Here tis......

For General Discussion: When it comes to money's influence and the ugly specter of self interested decision making that rears its head to people who are essentially, nearly, comparatively (to us), "Above The Law"--- yes they are the same. When it comes to the ultimate goals that each group collectively chases, thankfully, because they don't usually forget what their mission was before graft,power, and re-election became their masters? No they are nothing alike. 

This is where my words, as follows, geared at *NOBODY* as they began. So instead of filling yourself into that role in your head, pretend I was asked to give a defense of rational thought, and a lead in to a debate where we were required to change the minds of our religious opponents. 

First off..... The fact that you use "sin" as a yardstick, and, ironically, the BIGGER sin you commit, of failing to recognize the religious far right/republicans as those more out of tune of Christs' teachings are the sum total one-two knockout you landed on yourself, that complete renders irrelevant anything at all that you might have had to add to this debate. You can believe that avoiding biblical sin is the first criteria on for whom to cast your vote all you want. You can even be so thick and calloused with the party brainwashing that you actually believe "Why yes, the Libertarian view is *very much* in keeping with the golden rule and healing the sick and helping the poor....And doing unto others, in general."

But don't be ludicrous enough to say it aloud, because, 
1) Like a scientist stating he decided to use his own SCIEN-"TERR"-IFIC METHOD on his latest study, (which turns out to be his secret code for "I fabricated all of the data, then jerked off for 6 hours every day for those 2 years".... 
2) Like the guy arguing with his doctor that he couldn't have gotten Hepatitis-C from those dirty shared needles, because you were always wearing a condom the whole time when you shot up...... 
3) Like the guy who STILL wishes with all his heart he was an Orc-killing hero who causes the ladies to swoon, and not be awkward and lonely....Who then strikes up a convo at the voting booth on the presidential election day where he proceeds to divulge to the pretty girl stuck by him in line that his dungeon master said the dungeon rules required unfettered devotion or else, and as such he has shown up, dutifully, to write-in his dungeon master ErnestBorgLevelNineWiz as his only vote for each election...........

Like all these people, you unknowingly give away your starting position of untenable logic in such a way that you are completely clueless to what everyone else can see: Your fundamental way of going about applying logic to render choices for yourself is skewed at the root level in such a way that nobody even wants to bother to argue with you. 

How can a person who believes that everything is a cosmic plan to create and force sentient beings with free choice to choose to worship and believe in a certain myth, or else they will be punished for ALL ETERNITY upon dying is somehow still a choice, and how can person who honestly believes that we can somehow just CHOOSE to believe in something that is so absurd, when we can't even CHOOSE to believe simple fact-based things that do not sit right with 2 + 2 = 7..... Right? 
If I just force myself to believe this equation is true, then I get a pony! But try, try try, you cannot FORCE nor FAKE belief to your true, deep subconscious self, and so you remain pony-less. But, despite its paradoxical impossibility for me, I need to believe that a perfect God designed a system in which people like me, who are incapable of carrying out the mandate, will be treated brutally and inhumanely, far worse then the most ungodly of us could ever see fit to do, based on the fact that this fundamentally flawed system has two groups and thats it. Saved and Damned. Period. 

I am to believe that this paradox of impossible contradiction does not actually prove the Christian argument untenable with any being remotely imbued with goodness that is pervasive in the universe, but rather, that it actually PROVES that everything you said about science denial, thinly veiled allusions to christian votes, sin-free politics, and ignorance to how our laws protect us from people just trying to impose religious legalese on us, is actually the only real Truth, and I'm hellbound for not seeing it that way. I will be tortured for all eternity upon death, because I made a very understandable error of judgment in my mistake-prone life.....

Sure that doesn't sound like the first century threats of very imperfect men, created as a way to terrify people into choosing sides, and self-enforcing moral code. That sounds more like what a perfect creator imbued only with love everlasting would postulate as a potential scenario which would not be opt-out, and all sentient beings had to be part of it, and experience God's love for themselves.... OR ELSE. But what do I know. I apparently believed in the existence of commenters that were not real. So I dont have much left to opine on, if thats about it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

PART TWO: Art is not drugs. Yet, I got raided in a no-knock warrant because of my blotter art collection...

.......Not only did they take almost my entire blotter art collection to test out for drugs, but they also took all of my computers, which I believe was 3 laptops and a desktop PC, 8 hard drives, countless USB sticks, SD Cards, and other types of Flash memory out of every device, camera, computer, and cell phone in the house. 

This means they essentially have every photograph of my daughter ever taken. They have my 75,000 track strong music collection, and they have 17+ years of my wife and my home movies. Both family friendly, and not so family friendly.

Plus they have robbed me of my trust in people, as I look at every person that drives by my house with a shifty gaze now, and every person sitting in a parked car within 5 miles of my house is "certainly" watching me, in my view. 

And now, I present the photographs from my sister's phone, taken while I still sat in jail. I wish she had taken a few steps backward in order to better capturethe widespread disaster zone that it was, but one way or another, these are all taken in the same rooms mine were. Note the room with the Close-Encounters style Devil's Tower pile of shit on the bed in our bedroom. Its the photo with the ceiling fan basically touching the pile of our belongings. The only photos of our bedroom that I included before captured the very corner of our bed, after I'd spent 5 hours cleaning it off. These photos capture how it looked initially. 

Sorry there is not much order or rhyme or reason to them.

Friday, August 22, 2014

25I-NBOMe is not LSD. Art is not drugs. Yet, I got raided in a no-knock warrant because of my blotter art collection....PART I (PART ONE)

25I-NBOMe is not LSD. Art is not drugs. Yet, I got raided in a no-knock warrant because of my blotter art collection....or "How I learned to Stop Worrying and Hate th head of Washington County Narcotics Task Force Leader and Career Driven Ladder Climber Sgt. Benson)

This blogpost will not even cover the details I plan to share about the raid itself, how it went down, or anything else that happened, in much detail. I will get to all that in subsequent posts on it. 

I am a psychedelic historian, and a person of many varied interests. I have a wide ranging knowledge of inebriating chemicals. I am a person who has always been fascinated with the way certain chemicals in your brain bond with your brain chemistry to create different states of consciousness. I might be considered an expert in the field of chemicals ingested for creating altered states. If Im not an expert, then as an amateur, I am a very knowledgable one. Apparently knowing is NOT half the battle.

Apparently, through monitoring of my online activities, surely including this blog, I was singled out as apparently being too knowledgable, and this means that I MUST, I simply MUST be some sort of large scale wholesaler of illegal chemicals, the foremost one which they sought being, specifically, 25i-NBOMe. At various points during the interviews with investigators, I was also accused of being a chemist, and was told they expected to find a half a million doses of this dangerous chemical in my house. Being that they dumped all my cereal boxes out, they must have been thinking I'd be keeping the half a million doses inside my 6-year old's sugary breakfast cereal, where she could easily consume it on mistake. I have some photographs so that you all can learn the horrors of what happens when a no-knock warrant is executed upon your home.

I will post more of this sordid tale in days to come. Right now, I am out because they couldn't find anything to charge me with other then maybe some petty marijuana parafernalia and some hopes and dreams of busting some big time drug lord when in reality they interrupted the life of a quiet family man.

The important thing to keep in mind here, is I didn't have the wherewithal to take photographs until several days and about 24-human labor hours had been spent cleaning up. Literally. This is AFTER we made the house semi-livable and my wife and I had slept in it a few nights. This is NOT as it looked immediately in the aftermath. I need to get those photos from my sister still.

I will write more later. For now, here are the photos. BTW, they have TAKEN most of my blotter art collection in for "testing" where Im sure much of it will be destroyed. Despite its pricelessness. Despite its obviously not being dipped in drugs. Despite my insistence that they be careful with it. Sgt Benson, I hope you are reading this. I hope there is a special spot in hell for people who put ambition over decency. People like you.