Friday, March 22, 2013

FNORD! How Chris Farley, Goddess Eris, the real life collective conscious version of the Big Giant Head, all very loosely tie into the explanation that proves once and for all that shit ain't "Fo' Real!" Shit is most definitely "Faux Real!"

So,  I just realized upon trying to read my own blog post that the "shortcut" I used in creating this post, which was simply to slap in the jpeg file I already had with all the words already on it, and just be "done with it" quick & dirty right? 
(Note: This way ended up being infinitely longer than the supposed long way would've taken me. it also, has the added benefit of being the least convenient,  most appallingly formatted, & shamefully uneditable blog post I have either seen or written anywhere. and sadly, I have now done both. saw it and wrote it as well. after doing this, I felt obligated to explain myself further, and also post these helpful diy tips for making this blog post slightly less offensive to the senses.) 
While  it may represent for me, the absolutely most loathesome object, and biggest regret Ive had yet, while blogging I've learned a valuable lesson I will share momentarily....... 
........Quickly, though--if you're dying to know how and why this JPEG blog post idea would ever, ever, ever manifest as an actual carried-out, finished product blog post in the first place, I will answer one half of the how/why combination for you, in the form of a piece of unsolicited yet emphatically true and passionately delivered advice (as I promised above, this is also the valuable lesson I've learned): Bloggers; Putting it simply: no matter what your initial reason for trying to create a blog post, from scratch, in ms-paint..............
...............Do  not act on your impulse to actually do it.
The following purple text contains the only real helpful hint to improve your reading experience, when that experience is about to be in a jpeg
I  highly recommend using the keyboard combination shortct of control & "++" which is actually just a fast double tapping of the "+" key.--- or with your mouse, by going up to view, and in the drop down, select "zoom" and then manually zooming "in" a few times until the words are all much bigger on your screen and therefore much easier to read. I believe the command is essentially the same in ie as it is in firefox, which is what I use, (because, hey, who doesn't love downloading a full new version every few weeks of one's most frequently used single application across all of devices which have a screen of any kind), but if I remember correctly, its even mouse-easier because the bottom right of the browser when the "status" box is showing or whatever, you can just select the little icon that probably shows "100%" and pick whatever size you want to make it. if you do not see that little toolbar, in ie, go to "view" >"toolbars">"status bar" and make sure it is checkmarked by selecting it if its not. then follow the zoom steps referenced previously. 
My  commitment to you is, that if you muddle through and manage to read this blog post without giving up on me forever based on this grossly incompetent experiment than I promise to either A) Send you a million dollars, or B) Never create another blog post this way again. (Choice from A or B expressly mine and mine alone.)
